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Dragon Age Origins Elf

Dragon Age Origins Elf

When creating your rogue, you have three choices for race: Human, Elf, and Dwarf. Because this game is not set in the Dungeons & Dragons world, you should put aside all you know about D&D when choosing a race for your character. In this game, any race can be a rogue and there’s not really a penalty one way or the other.

  1. Dragon Age Origins Elf Companion
  2. Dragon Age Origins Elfroot

Although humans and dwarves get bonuses to strength and dexterity, I decided to be an elf in order to get the magic and willpower bonuses so that I wouldn’t have to spend any more points on them later.Each race offers a choice between two character origins, and this just makes for a unique beginning to each game as you play through your ‘origin’ story. Other than giving you about an hour’s worth of unique content, your character origin choice will grant you a starting skill that helps jump-start things. Human and dwarf Nobles get Combat Training, City Elves get Coercion, Dalish Elves get Survival, and Dwarf Commoners get Stealing.

I chose the Dalish Elves because they leaned more toward being a Ranger, which is what I wanted. AttributesRogues should focus on the following attributes, in order of importance: Dexterity, Cunning, Willpower, Constitution, Strength and Magic.The most important attribute for a rogue is dexterity.


Not only does it help to increase your defensive ability, but it also helps determine your attack score for making a successful hit. If you are using a ranged weapon like a bow, dexterity is the only attribute which contributes to your attack score. Higher dexterity scores also increase the damage done by weapons like daggers, which is mainly what your rogue should carry. Strength should also be given a few points to help with your rogue’s damage and attack scores in case you use other weapons, but when using daggers you should have more points in dexterity than in strength.Rogues should definitely put a few points in the cunning attribute because that will help them improve some of the rogue talents as well as increase armor penetration. It wouldn’t hurt to invest a point or two in willpower because it affects how much mana or stamina you have, and once your rogue gains higher levels you will use this to do special attacks.

Some points in constitution will give your rogue more hit points, but that’s all. With a rogue, there’s really no reason to put any points in magic because you’ll get much more benefit from investing in other attributes.

Skills and Talents. The main skill you should focus on is Combat Training and its subsequent upgrades. Since there is so much combat in this game, building up these skills will be very helpful. Another one to look at is Coercion, which lets you influence others with strength or cunning. This is very helpful at times when you can convince someone to do something for you. Once you gain more levels, you may want to look into for making your own health potions, which can save you a lot of money, for creating weapon enhancements, and also Trap Making.For the rogue, talents like are excellent in helping you to deal out more damage to your opponent.

You should definitely invest points in these skills because you will use them every time you fight. Another good one to get is Deft Hands, because it lets you pick locks.

You will encounter a lot of locked treasure chests in this game, and being able to open them will often yield some great valuables. Stealth is another skill you will use often because it allows rogues to sneak up behind an enemy and get a good backstab in before the fighting starts. It’s great for taking out spellcasters.

Head south to find a small scroll on Codex 110: The City Elves then check the two chests you can open: the scroll for Codex 112: Arlathan - Part One, and the large wooden crate for some gear. There is a book in the bushes on Codex 118: The History of Ferelden - Chapter 2. 20:04 Red Age, nearly a thousand years since the Rift in the sky was closed forever by the Inquisitor of the Dragon Age. Thedas has then since been plunged into darkness many more times with Blights and wars. A powerful organization rose from the ashes of the devastation, blanketing what was left of Thedas under its influence. Female City Elf Concept Art for Dragon Age: Origins (CN: racism, systemic oppression, substance abuse, misogyny, sexual violence, trauma) It’s been nearly 8 years since Dragon Age: Origins.

I also think you should spend points in Dual Weapon Training so you can use two daggers, which can yield devastating results.For more information, be sure to check out my. This post is part of the series: Dragon Age Origins Rogue Class Guides.

The expansive RPG Dragon Age: Origins is home to a wide open world which features over a hundred hours worth of questing and exploring. Unfortunately, those who are looking to build their party up will often be at a loss as where to find all the party members in Dragon Age. For those suitably lost and confused, here's how to find Dragon Age party members.BE AWARE: This guide contains Dragon Age Spoilers. The larger the spoiler, the further down the page it will be listed. Good luck, and have fun!Players who are being battered by the difficult but satisfyingly strategic combat in Dragon Age: Origins should.Looking for characters from the expansion, Dragon Age: Awakening? Read more about how to.

Found: Origin Castle (human nobles) Korcari Wilds (others)Class: DogThis unique party member is exactly what he seems: a mighty war dog. Humans will receive this party member early on as part of their quest. Others will have to make sure they do the appropriate quest before preforming The Joining and becoming an official Grey Warden.Before heading out into the Korcari Wilds, be sure to speak with the Kennel Master. He's a little ways away from the gate. He'll ask for a flower found in the forest beyond to help heal a wounded hound.

This flower is easy to find. PC gamers can hold the tab key down to find it almost immediately upon exiting.Warning: BE SURE to turn the quest in before completing the joining to make sure you get the Dog (which you can name whatever you please).

He will become available as a party member after the great battle. Don't be afraid if you don't immediately see him. He will come bounding up as a side scene after you attempt to leave. Found: Lothering (Tavern)Class: Rogue (Bard)When you enter the tavern near the farmer's fields in the trade city of Lothering, Leliana will immediately try to intercede on your behalf after a group of warriors attempt to fight your player. Agree to take her on with you to add her to your party.

Easy!Leliana is the first rogue team member you can add in Dragon Age. If your own character is not a rogue, she is essential for lockpicking and trapfinding skills before you find other options.Warning: Leliana is particularly pious and immoral behavior could cause her to leave the party. Found: Lothering (Caged)Class: WarriorThis taciturn warrior specializes in powerful two handed swords. He can be found in the southern section of Lothering, caged. Speak with him to find that he is being held for crimes by the Merciful Mother. She can be found in the Chantry church near the entrance.Characters with a silver tongue can convince her to let him free. However, the easiest path to success is to simply request Sten be freed with Leliana in your party.

She will convince the priestess to free Sten. Found: Mage CircleClass: Mage (Spirt Healer)An invaluable party member, until there is a mage with access to healing, she is one of the most important characters to find in Dragon Age.

She's easy enough to meet. Simply head to the Mage Circle and find her protecting the children at the end of the long hallway.WARNING: Be careful if you have Morrigan in your party.

She is an illegal mage and if your player character chooses to sympathize with her commentary on the Circle's laws, Wynne will attack the party during her recruitment conversation. Found: Random Road Encounter (after completing a few starting quests)Class: Rogue (Assassin)You'll know you're close to acquiring Zevran as a party member when there are intermittent cut scenes showing him being hired to kill your player character. Eventually, while traversing the map, your party will become involved in a random encounter.

Zevran and his band of rogues will attack you.After the battle, you have the option of killing him or speaking to him about his life. Engage him in conversation and he will offer to join you on your quest. Agree and he'll come along.WARNING: If you want to keep Zevran, get him to like you as fast as possible. Otherwise, he may be convinced to betray you by his former employers. More Dragon Age Guides.Need to know where to final all the playable characters in Dragon Age 2? Or maybe how to keep them from leaving?

This guide will make sure you have all of your DA2 companions and give you the info you need to make them stay.Looking for Dragon Age Tips? Maybe need some useful Dragon Age: Origins tricks to survive the grueling early days of your life as an adventurer? Follow this Dragon Age: Origins guide to learn how to win.Looking for all the character in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening? Here is a list of all party members in Dragon Age Awakening.

Don't miss out on a single one! A good tip is, if you don't have a specialization you like by LVL 7, just keep going until you get it, then go back, because the specializations are on a different level of data all together.example; wanna be Reaver but don't have it unlocked? First, go to Redcliffe. LISTEN TO ALISTAIR!! No greater tip. Then, do all stuffs until you get to Father Kolgrim in the Ruined Temple. Side with him.

However, when you taint the sacred ashes, DON'T HAVE LELIANA IN YOUR PARTY OR ELSE SHE WILL SAY; 'I thought you were a person i was PROUD to stand behind! You have defiled the urn of sacred ashes!' And she will join The Gaurdian fighting you!

Then, Kolgrim will teach you how to Reaver, and you get the achievement Sacriligeous; sided with cult of andraste. Then, as i said before, go back to a previous save, get the Reaver Specialization for your warriors, then play through the story normally. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details NecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service.Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam.

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Dragon Age Origins Elf Companion

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Dragon Age Origins Elfroot

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Dragon Age Origins Elf